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New Day, New Year, New Decade

Writer's picture: BhrighaBhrigha

At the end of every year, I do a Reflection Ritual, and since this was the end of a decade, it was even more important. I reflect on the positive, release the negative, and set intentions for the new year. This last year was a whirlwind of positive things for me, that I am ever so grateful for, personally and professionally! I started the year off completing my 200 hour yoga teacher training & added private yoga instruction to my business offerings. At the same time, thanks to 23&me, I discovered family I didn’t know I had & got answers to haunting lifelong questions. That was pretty phenomenal & I’ve loved connecting with new family! As if that weren’t enough, I finally found the perfect person to overhaul & completely integrate my 3 outdated websites into 1. Business picked up exponentially & I achieved a financial goal I set a couple of years ago this year too. I also manifested my complete product line available in office just before the holiday season & started teaching a group restorative yoga class at Vancouver‘s longest running studio, something I thought was only a dream. I’ve been blessed a thousand fold this year, with dreams come true, & I am eternally grateful! However, life for many years was very dark & a long hard slog. Sometimes it felt like I was trudging uphill in mud wearing concrete boots. I nearly gave up. So. Many. Times. But my dad taught me to believe, and keep going, and never give up! I’m glad I did.

How did I do it? By changing the way I think, using what I call Energetic Alchemy, journaling, ritual, vision boards, and so much more! Seriously! And I can teach you how to do it too. Check out my Energetic Education course coming up this Spring. Only open to 4 people! Sign up to be the first to know when registration opens. In the meantime, end 2019 with gratitude. Even if its already 2020, its not too late to bid a fond farewell to 2019. Start tonight by writing down what you want to release & let the past go. There are often lessons to be learned from the things we let go, and it can be beneficial to express gratitude to the persons, places, things, or situations that tried to help us grow. Burn that paper. Bury it. Give it to a river or ocean. Release it. Then on another piece of paper, write down all the positive things you are grateful for: the cool things, people, and gifts you were given. Keep that. On that same paper or another one, dream up how you want your life to be, be as specific as possible, write it all down. Then fold that up and if you'd like your gratitude paper, and put them under a candle holder & light a candle over it. 🕯 Focus on the positive, meditate, dream it into life. Let that candle burn out and then burn the gratitude and dream papers in a fire or another candle, or at the end of that one candle and know that your wishes have been carried to the spirit realm.

Making a vision board is something I've done for years and is very powerful for manifesting your dreams. There are digital ones so you can always have it with you, and you can also make them from magazines and photos. I prefer the digital versions & will often make them the screensavers for my phone and computer. Meditate with them, and revisit them at least once a month. The more you see it, the more it triggers manifestation magick in your mind. Then enjoy a new year, new decade, & as cliché as it might sound, a new you! Believe in your best self. Embrace your light & let it shine! May 2020 be the start of a magnificent decade for you! ✨🙏

Brightest Blissed Blessings!!!


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My Office Location:

The Heritage Center

419 East Cedar Avenue 

Suite C203 

La Center, WA 98629 

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Blissed Wellness humbly acknowledges that our studio in La Center, Washington rests along the banks of the "Yahkohtl" (Yakama) River, now known as the East Fork of the Lewis River, on traditional territory of the Cowlitz Tribes.

©2024 by Blissed Bodywork, LLC/Bhrigha Getz LMT WA MA25141/FL MA20757

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